Where can I buy local honey?

Essex honey is available from a number of locations. It can often be found in local farmers’ markets, wholefood shops, folk festivals or by the roadside in rural locations. Due to high demand, it may not be available all year round. Please check the Where to buy honey page on this website for outlets.

I have a swarm of bees in my garden/house, what should I do?

Above all, DON’T PANIC. A swarm of bees is very unlikely to attack you if left well alone. Please go to the swarm page for further information.

Can I buy Essex honey online?

Due the cost of postage and packaging, honey is not available to purchase online from this web site. But you will find a a map showing where you can get honey close to you on the Where to buy honey page.

Alternatively, you can find honey producers from all over the UK on the Honey Directory.

How can I get started in beekeeping?

The first step is to read the Become a beekeeper page and contact your local division for help and advice on taking up this fascinating craft.

I have Essex honey to sell, how do I get it listed on this site?

If you are a member of the EBKA you may (subject to a number of criteria) indicate the location of your retailer on the Where to buy honey page.

Please contact webmaster@ebka.org for further details.

Can you give a talk at my school/scout /brownie/conservation meeting?

Many of our member are happy of give talks on bee-related subjects. Please see the Education page for further details.

 How do I become a member of EBKA?

Please contact your local division for details of how to join.

I have noticed a mistake on your website. Who should I contact?

We do our best to make sure all information is accurate on the website, but the association – and the website – is run by volunteers and sometimes things go wrong or get broken. Please let us know of any errors by sending an email to webmaster@ebka.org.